Tellenar, Inc. manufactures custom stamped electrical terminals and switch components for automotive applications plus transformer connectors, fuse clips, and related hardware for a variety of industries including; HVAC Stamped Metal Parts, Stamped Metal Hardware Parts, Stamped Metal Lighting Parts, & Stamped Metal Appliance Parts.
A good reputation is something not easily obtained. It takes years of devotion to your customers’ needs and can be lost with one bad shipment. We at TELLENAR are justifiably proud of our reputation. It has been a source of new business as many of our customers have referred others to us over the years. We can support your production needs with innovative ideas that spring from many years of experience in the manufacture of stampings for the electrical and electronics industries.

We invite you to visit our facilities anytime you’re in Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs. Examine samples of connectors and terminals co-engineered with our customers to solve the problems that occur when developing a new product.
As we approach our fortieth anniversary we hope you will consider our experience when seeking a supplier for your next project.